My Story

Hey, welcome to my story!

I know that to show up authentically and run a business supporting mental health and mindfulness, that I must share how these 2 things have impacted my life, and made me who I am today. My name is Christina, and I am the Founder of Mindful You. This little business came to be during a breaking point in my mental health journey, one I’ve been on since childhood, with my first two diagnoses rolling in at age 6, ADHD and Anxiety.

A quick fast forward >>>, after multiple therapists, medications, labels, programs, suggestions/opinions, treatments etc.. things only got worse, and so feelings of hopelessness, confusion, and disconnection grew and I was going down a “bad path” in different ways.

finding respite and healing through untraditional, holistic methods along the way. To put it plainly, mindfulness saved my life, and I have dedicated my life to sharing this gift with my community/ anyone who cares to listen to help and heal others the way I have - shedding layers, confronting, releasing, and showing up in ways I did not know possible. I am so proud of how far I have come and I am so grateful to be where I am today, a mindfulness business owner and mental health worker with a degree, diploma, registered holistic mental health coach, yoga nidra meditation, DBT, Attachment and other therapeutic modalities that have helped me the most with others through workshops and 1:1 coaching.

Let’s rewind a bit. I have always been an intuitive, empathetic child, with a calling to help others since I can remember. I’ve always wanted to work in the mental health/social work field, as I grew up with my parents struggling with their mental health and addictions, and have been on a life-long journey of diagnosis and accessing support. I was first diagnosed with anxiety and ADHD at the age of 6 due to a lack of focus at school, disruptive behaviors, and negative thoughts and behaviors. This only became more difficult to manage as I grew, I was confused and dysregulated with a disconnection from myself and I leaned into many negative coping habits. This spiraled and led me to be admitted into an out-patient hospital program for a period while I was in Grade 7, growing a list of labels along the way. I have been through many different treatment styles and modalities through many therapists, hospital programs, and groups that unfortunately made things worse in a lot of ways, I mean it.. and it left me feeling hopeless and constantly dysregulated.. until I found mindfulness, and began my journey back to self.

Mindfulness truly saved my life. Not only did it help me regain control over myself and surroundings and finally feel connected to my mind, body and environment, it allowed me to accept and process things that have burned at me for ages, and commit to living my purpose of helping others, while feeling strong and secure in myself. It took a long time for me to be able to say that, and though I absolutely still struggle and feel lost sometimes, I am forever grateful to be where I am at today. My personal journey has only reaffirmed my purpose of helping others along their own, and I am committed to helping people on their mental health and wellness journey by sharing the things that have changed my life, while holding space, teaching skills, and supporting them through it all. I will always continue to educate myself and practice what I preach to be my best, most mindful and serve the world in any way that I can. This is my purpose, and I know my hardships served a purpose and have prepared me to have this platform and continue advocating for people to live their BEST life, as I have been able to do so. I believe we all have the right to feel good, understood and supported, and I would love to help you to see, build, and love the person that you are, whether that’s through 1:1 coaching, workshops, meditations, and free educational content made from the heart.

Thank you, person reading this, for caring and spending time to learn about my story, it means a lot to me and I am forever grateful for this beautiful community.

#bellletstalk #mentalhealthawareness #holisticwellness #wegotthis!


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