3 Step Mindfulness Practice: Mental Vacation

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Mental Vacation

Just because we can't travel due to COVID-19, does not mean we can't still go on a vacation get away! Times are more isolating now than ever, and it can be easy to get overwhelmed with the "new" normal.

3 Step Practice Below:

Just because we can't travel due to COVID-19, does not mean we can't still go on a vacation get away! Times are more isolating now than ever, and it can be easy to get overwhelmed with the "new" normal.

Have you always wanted to go to the sandy beaches of Turks and Caicos? Well guess what, you can, we can go anywhere in our imagination! Okay, I know that sounds cheesy, but it’s true. Our minds are an extremely powerful tool and when we practice mindfulness, we are able to access this power with more control and finesse.

Before you begin, set an intention for this practice. This will help give you direction within the creative experience, and will also give you something to return to as an anchor in case your mind wanders.


Set a timer. I want you to try this practice for 10-15 minutes if this is your first time. Adjust accordingly.

  1. Sit on a chair or lay on your bed & close your eyes. (if you have an eye mask, that would be great to block out any extra sensory you may experience, ear buds and meditation sounds also helpful).

  2. Count backwards from 15, and slowly relax each part of your body from your feet to your head, and breathe in rhythm as you do this (if you're familiar with this: perform a body scan). If you would appreciate a suggestion, you can take 4 breaths in, and 4 breaths out.

  3. Imagine the place of your choosing and take in your surrounds. Be present as you go about your journey. This can be anywhere, your childhood home, the forest, quiet space, different country, place you’ve created as your own. Pay attention to the senses that you experience where you are. Take a look around, what do you see beside you? What does the air smell like? What do you hear? How do you feel?

*Return to your intention throughout the practice if needed to ground and refocus.

Use this practice whenever you are in need of a get away, or simply need a refresh!

Wishing you wellness and connection,



Crystal Creation & Healings


Ultrasonic Diffusers