Crystal Creation & Healings
The world of crystals is truly met with never ending learning and discovery. There are many shapes, colors, sizes, and structures that goes into the wonderful energy healing abilities that the crystals carry, along with many of ways to use them for your highest healing!
An understanding of shapes - “Earth’s DNA”
A crystal is a geometrically regular shape with a solid body that can take on 7 possible shapes that we see through a variety of crystals; triangles, squares, rectangles, hexagons, rhomboids, parallelograms, or trapezium.
Crystals were created, and continue to be created as the earth forms through evolution, and therefore are considered “earth’s DNA.” Crystal’s crystalline structures can absorb, conserve, focus and emit energy. Each crystal type will crystalize differently, but are all symmetrical along an axis.
Crystalline Structure
Crystals are defined and organized by their internal structure, influenced by chemical impurities, radiation, earth and solar emissions. The exact means of formation is delicately influenced by an array of minerals, and the slightest mineral content creates the varieties of colors that we can find in many crystals.
Frequency, formation, energy healing.. science!
To understand the energy that a crystal carries, you must understand that at the heart of each crystal, there is the atom. The atom is constantly rotating particles, and mass vibrating at a certain frequency, giving the crystal its energy and healing properties.
Crystals can be formed by heat, cool, glass, and some are self-healing, like Selenite! They may take Ions to form, or they can form really quickly, like the Quartz crystal family that can grow some forms in as quick as 1 day!
Crystals can transform their surroundings, and have been used throughout history as by those of royalty and others to protect them against harm, and as decor (I mean… yeah same!). They were also used as tools to heal and bring balance, wealth, and protection by working through resonance and vibration frequencies.
The ability of crystals to focus sound and light vibrations into a concentrated ray are used in modern medicine by means of things like beams that blast tumors, pain management and the acceleration of healing, as pain can be caused from an excess or blockage of energy.
Holistic Healing
They heal holistically, on the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual levels, and realligns energy, getting to the root of the issue by treating the cause, not just the symptoms. It does this by healing vibrations, rebalancing the biomagnetic sheath surrounding the physical body and activating the chakra(s).
Ways to heal with crystals:
You can use crystals in healing through the following methods:
Lay it over your body for 10-30 minutes (Specifically area of need if known).
Pressure + more
Wishing you wellness,
Hall, J. (2004). The crystal bible: A definitive guide to crystals. Old Alresford: Godsfield.