Benefits of moving backwards
Movement and exercise is a great way to build the foundational strength for your body. But moving backwards is significantly more beneficial for you in many ways! Here are some benefits of running/walking backwards.
#1 Moving backwards increases lower body coordination, flexibility, and strength by working the same muscles differently.
When walking/running forwards the vastus lateralis and vastus medialis oblique muscles (quad) contract in eccentric (lengthen) and concentric (shorten) movements but when moving backwards these same muscles contract in isometric (tension w.o movement) and concentric movements. This equals better control, strength and activation in the quads and lower legs overall.
#2 Walking backwards burns 40% more calories per minute
Because moving backwards uses leg muscles in different ways than we are conditioned to, it is a more challenging exercise and will get your body to work much harder than moving forward while still building strength, coordination and speed in your legs going forward.
#3 Improvement in moving backwards increases protection, strength, control and ability when moving forward
This means more potential for athleticism (quicker, more agile movements, and increased force production)
= less likely to get injured
#4 Increases balance and stability in ankles and knees and improves brain function
Injuries often occur when our body parts fall into a plane of movement beyond its reach. By training our brain to move backwards we are getting our whole body(particularly our lower extremities) to be comfortable in a plane of movement that is not conventional for us.
#5 Can reduce chronic and acute knee and ankle pain
When a body part is in pain the rest of the body compensates by working harder to pick up the slack. When the injured part is injured and unable to move for long periods it can and will restrict or completely stop function and coordination to that muscle. Walking backwards can build strength in lower body areas that may be restricted or non functional in a low impact exercise.
All in all, moving backwards consistently is a great life hack to extra benefits, and way to keep your body and mind challenged. This keeps your body ready to move how you want it to, or how it may be forced to in awkward situations.