Crystal Information
Crystal Information
The 9 Chakras:
Rose Quartz
I am Love | Soul Star Chakra
Unconditional love, trust, self-worth and care
Soothing, reassuring, compassionate
Stress-relief, peaceful, comforting
Extra info:
Aids in grief and overcoming loss
Great for trauma and crisis - reassuring
Opens the heart and attracts love
Restores trust and harmony
Replaces negative energy with loving vibes
Strengthen empathy and sensitivity
Aids in accepting change and releasing emotions
Self forgiveness, acceptance, trust and worth
Aids in chest and lung, kidneys and increases fertility
Clear Quartz
I am Mindful | Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
Amplifies and regulates energy and intuition
Concentration, focus, memory, purpose
Powerful healing, balancing, cleansing
Extra info:
Radiates calming, healing vibes while amplifying energy and intuition
Aborbs, stores, releases and regulates energy. Excellent for unblocking and saving energy
Enhances muscle testing, psychic abilities
Protects against radiation
Cleanses and enhances the organs function
Raises energy to highest possible level
Used in meditation as it filters out distractions
Aids concentration and unlocks memory.
Connects mental, physical and spiritual dimensions
Stimulates immune system bringing harmony to the body
I am Balanced | Third-Eye Chakra (Ajna)
Protective, balancing, grounding
Soothing, easing anxiety and stress
Connects to higher consciousness and awareness
Extra info:
Tranquilizing for sleep or anxiety
Deepen understanding and intuition
Aids in new ideas and decision making
Calms an overactive mind and eases nightmares and pain
Enhances memory, motivation and meditation
Good for grief and loss, anger, rage, and fear
Boosts hormone production, metabolism and immunity
Powerful yet soothing and balancing
Powerful combination of grounding and protecting you from all that is not serving you, warding away negative energies, leaving you feeling positive and connected
I am Free | Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)
Self-esteem, trust, expression, acceptance
Seek understanding, focus, decisiveness
Intuition, clarity, insight, truth
Extra Info:
Clears rigid beliefs
Clears electromagnetic pollution
Stimulates the third eye and throat
Clears mental confusion and encourages rational thought
Brings in new information and releases old mental conditioning
Companionship, encourages interdependence
Unites logic with intuition, boosts confidence
Emotional balance, calms panic attacks
Bring up shadow qualities with acceptance and non-judgement
Balances metabolism and cleanses lymphatic system
Combats radiation, digestive disorders and insomnia
Lowers blood pressure and stimulates fluid absorption
Green Aventurine
I am Grateful | Heart Chakra (Anahata)
Prosperity, opportunity, leadership
Balance and stabilize emotions for inner harmony
Well-being, positivity, perseverance, health
Extra Info:
Manifestation, abundance, wealth
Grounding and stabilizing
Tiger’s Eye
I am Strong | Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
Positivity, strength, abundance, success
Grounding, protective, courageous, confident
Motivating, wealth, focus, mental clarity
I am Creative | Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana)
Strength, stability, confidence, creativity
Boosting energy, passion and intimacy
Happiness, joy, zest for life
I am Protected | Root Chakra (Muladhara)
Highly protective, grounding, clears blockages
Clarity, power, personal growth, positivity
Lymphatic drainage, circulation and detoxification
Extra Info:
Overcome depression and addiction
Clearing emotional, physical and spiritual blockages