All About Chakras
The word ‘Chakra’ is Sanskrit (a complex, ancient language from India) for “wheel” or “disk.”
The word ‘Chakra’ is Sanskrit (a complex, ancient language from India) for “wheel” or “disk.” To understand the purity and history of the chakras, it is helpful to understand Sanskrit literature, which is considered sacred and used in ancient poetry, sciences, religious and philosophical texts, using expressive sounds that are soothing to the human ear/body. Due to its complex nature, it is very difficult to learn and provides those who know the language with a multitude of ways to express and transcend emotion, with “hundreds of words to express a single meaning or object.”
Now, let’s break down the meaning of the chakras, and explore each of the main 7, along with another that we find very important and complementary. Chakras are energy centers throughout the body that are known to start at the end of the spinal cord and go up to the pinnacle of the head, reaching beyond/around the body. Each chakra has a unique color and purpose, and learning about it can help us understand ourselves, our strengths, challenges and areas of growth. They work together to ensure a harmonious flow of energy throughout the body, and just our joints and thoughts, energy can get stuck, and cause blockages, creating disorder in our lives and being.
Let’s go through the 8 Chakras, discussing the location, purpose, color, crystals and an affirmation for each.
Soul Star Chakra
Location: Floating above the crown/head
Purpose: connects us to the universe and our soul’s purpose with divine love and spiritual wisdom, helping us let go of what does not serve us and bring in
Color: Pink or White
Crystals: Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz, Selenite
Affirmation: “I am Love”
Crown Chakra
Location: On top of head
Purpose: Aids in connecting and gaining insight to your highest self and conscious energy, and to balance your other chakras.
Color: Violet or white
Crystals: Clear Quartz, Lepidolite, Selenite, Labradorite
Affirmation: “I am Mindful”
Third Eye Chakra
Location: Between the eyebrows
Purpose: Translates to “beyond wisdom”. This chakra is responsible for gathering information about yourself and beyond the materialistic world, seeing and connecting with things beyond form.
Color: Purple
Crystals: Amethyst, Iolite, Lapis Lazuli, Fluorite
Affirmation: “I am Balanced”
Throat Chakra
Location: At the center of the neck
Purpose: Associated with speaking your truth and being expressive and creative. Aids in communication and sharing your opinion with others in a healthy manner.
Color: Blue
Crystals: Sodalite, Kyanite, Blue Apatite, Angelite, Amazonite
Affirmation: “I am Free”
Heart Chakra
Location: The center of the chest (Not where the heart organ is)
Purpose: Associated with unconditional love and compassion, encouraging reflection and balance. This chakra is responsible for opening the heart and calling in emotional healing and love.
Color: Green
Crystals: Green Aventurine, Rose Quartz, Unakite, Rhodochrosite
Affirmation: “I am Grateful”
Solar Plexus Chakra
Location: behind the naval region
Purpose: It is associated with self-confidence, self-discipline and wisdom. This chakra is also responsible for the ‘gut feeling’. For the uninitiated, gut feeling is getting a cue about something which isn't right for you.
Color: Yellow
Crystals: Tiger’s Eye, Citrine, Pyrite, Yellow Jasper
Affirmation: “I am Strong”
Sacral Chakra
Location: Three inches below the navel
Purpose: Associated with the lymphatic system and is responsible for expressing and regulating emotions. It also helps you to get in touch with your sexual and creative desires.
Color: Orange
Crystals: Carnelian, Orange Calcite, Sunstone
Affirmation: “I am Creative”
Root Chakra
Location: Base of spine
Purpose: It is known to keep us grounded and connected with the energy of the earth. Aids in restoring balance, offering protection, positivity and stability.
Color: Black, Red
Crystals: Obsidian, Hematite, Garnet, Red Jasper
Affirmation: “I am Protected”
Chakras are a beautiful way to connect within yourself, and to the world. Learning about chakras can help you understand your challenges and strengths, and learn ways to heal and move forward to be your best, balanced self.
Joshi, N. (2016, August 22). Sanskrit. World History Encyclopedia. Retrieved from